The Kids

The Kids

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Toddlers

Just some humorous quotes from recent talks with a three year old...

The following is a conversation at dinner tonight...

Abby: I want a big brother since I already have a big sister.
Nick: You don't have a big sister, you are a big sister.
Abby: Right, that's what I meant.
Nick: Do you want another little brother or little sister?
Abby: Oh yes! I would love a baby sister!
Nick: Well, maybe God will give you another brother or sister someday. Do you remember where you and Caleb first came from?
Abby: Mommy's belly. And then I came out of her butt!
Nick: Well, you were in Mommy's belly.
Abby: But, there isn't a hole in Mommy's belly so I came out of her butt!

A quote by Abby in the bath with her brother...
"Look Mommy! Caleb's playing with his peanut!"
(Use your imagination to figure out what she was talking about)


A Cincy Mama said...

Hilarious!!! All of these kiddos make me laugh like nothing else.

Carolynn said...

I agree. That's hilarious! It's so great to see how toddler's minds work.