The Kids

The Kids

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Task Before Us

Abby found a new favorite thing to do. She runs around on the beach, picking up seashells and throwing them back into the ocean. She finds this task very important and does it with all her strength. It does not matter that the seashells immediately wash up in the waves she is throwing them into. She is only doing the work that she thinks she needs to do.

While this was great fun to watch, particularly for me because she was entertaining herself, it was also a fun little lesson. Sometimes we do not see the fruit of our work, but we continue to do it anyway because we are commanded to. It may seem everything we are doing is pointless, but there is a purpose behind it all. Those seashells may have come right back to the beach, but perhaps where they landed was right for another child to find who would take them as a treasure.

I long for Heaven when we get to see the big picture of all the little things we do daily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy, Tammy, Daddy and I were just talking about that this morning. I've also begun reading Randy Alcorn's book , Heaven, which brought some good conversion this morning.

Enjoy seeing little miss pink at the beach!