Today she looked for him, but never found him. She was so concerned that she insisted we find out what happened. So, very stalker-like, I called Mrs. Theisens to get to the bottom of this mystery. She explained that he was sick all night, that the family did not get very much sleep, but that he was okay at the moment. I passed this information on to Abby and she was calmed by the fact that he would be at school on Wednesday.
Tonight, while saying her prayers in her brother's room, she said her usual thank yous to God and then threw in a little "And help my friend Caleb feel better" before saying "Amen." What I love about this simple sentence is that no one told her to say it. We had not talked about Caleb since this morning, yet she was still concerned for her friend at the end of the day.
I take comfort in the fact that she is confident in asking God for help, even if she does not completely understand the concept (do any of us?). It leads me to wonder if she sees her parents modeling the same faith.
I tell you, Caleb was every bit as disturbed to be missing preschool because he did not get to see "his girlfriend Abby" as he still calls her. Even to the teachers. Even to the other kids. They are precious! :)
And I already told you, you are not a stalker. Just a concerned and caring friend. Although, I did notice that you chose not to post the picture of them in bed together...:)
I was so close to using that picture, but eventually decided the half naked, stoned look was a better choice.
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