The Kids

The Kids

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Greatest Love

The other day, Abby was upstairs playing and suddenly yells down to me, "Mommy, I love you more than anything!"

That is always nice to hear and made my day and of course I replied with an "I love you, too."

Then she continued on..."Well, I love God more than anything in the world, too. Even more than my toys. And I also love Jesus more than anything else in the world. Actually, I love Jesus more than all the things I said."

And we wonder why Jesus said to have faith like a child. Is my love for Him greater than all the things in this world? Including my children? Most likely not. Where would we be without His grace and His stooping down to meet us here?


aunt karen said...

that is just too precious!!!

Laura Duksta said...

Seems you have a wise old soul there in Abby! How beautiful!! I found your blob because she used the phrase "I Love You More..."
I've written a book with that same title. It was an answer to a prayer and several years after I published it I heard a message that said your book can also be read as a message between God and Child...for that is how much we are loved! And if we understood how loved we truly are, miracles (like those Christ performed) would be posible!!!

Have a Bright and Blessed Lifetime!
Keep Shining!
Laura Duksta
author, NY Times Bestseller,
I Love You More