We left for church this morning in a hurry. I threw Abby's soccer bag in the trunk, along with my tote full of stuff to keep at the soccer game, made sure we had everything for church, while Nick wrestled Noah into the car.
As we left our neighborhood, someone coming the opposite way honked their horn at us. As Nick had not made any errors in driving, we figured it was for someone else and continued on our way.
Turns out, the guy was honking at us.
As Nick started down the main road and picked up speed, we suddenly saw something fly up at the front window and bounce off. Within a second Nick yelled, "My ipad and my Bible!"
Apparently, he had set them both on the car, but had forgotten about them. The Bible must have fallen off in our neighborhood because as we turned around to go find everything, we saw the same stranger who had honked at us, waving Nick's Bible out the window.
It must have been a fun sight for strangers who were driving by to see the two of us taking a side of the road to look for the lost ipad. Oh, and while our three kids stared out the windows from the car, with the Les Miserable soundtrack blasting from the cd player.
We are just so cool.
I finally spotted the precious item across the street, the case wide open, inches from the road where cars were flying by. Whatever case Nick purchased for that ipad must be the best ever. Not a single scratch on the ipad. Nothing.
The case has seen better days, but amazingly, it still holds the ipad just fine. Even the keyboard was left untouched.
I must back up in this story to explain what happened 15 minutes before this event. Nick had the ipad in the shower with him.
I know-seriously?
As he listened to his sports talk, I heard a crash and thought he passed out in the shower or something. Nope-the ipad had fallen, thankfully on the bathroom floor and not in the shower itself. Again, awesome case.
Now I will skip ahead to the afternoon. We were at Abby's soccer game and as I went to use the porta potty (always fun, right?), I had my phone in my pant's pocket.
Oh yeah, I'm going there.
When I stood up, I heard the sound of something falling next to me. I did not even look-I just closed my eyes and prayed, "Please, Lord, don't let my phone be in the toilet." I mean, if it was, I could have easily reached it since the waste was almost up to the lid, but really?
Amazingly enough, it landed in the urinal. Never in my life did I think I would be grateful to find my phone in a urinal. A DRY urinal, that is.
So, here I sit on my laptop, safely away from toilets and roads. Although, I do have a Noah attempting to tackle me with sticky fingers and I think I smell a dirty diaper.
I better close this laptop now.
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