The Kids

The Kids

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our Brilliant Children

Abby came home from school the other day talking about phone numbers. They are learning fire safety this week and wrote down 911 and their home phone number on a paper. While we were asking her about what she learned, I asked her if she knew her phone number (thinking she would run to get the paper and read it). She quickly rattled off our phone number by memory, leaving Nick and I with our jaws dropped!

Our 4-year old daughter, noticing our surprise and loving the attention, immediately said it again, showing off her skill. Caleb, sitting with us and noticing our focus on his sister, promptly lifted his leg and let out a fart.

And that was Caleb's contribution to our conversation.

(I did speak with Abby's teacher, asking for her trick to teaching the students their phone numbers. She said Abby must be a visual learner and had memorized it quickly just from pasting the numbers on a paper once.)


Anonymous said...

We agree--our grandchildren are definitely brilliant!!
Caleb is especially talented-oh to be able to fart on command!!
Jeff and Christi

Anonymous said...

Just came across your post while searching for info on visual learners (I just posted a blog about learning styles). That is amazing about your daughter, though! My youngest son is a visual learner and when he visualizes a word, he can immediately spell it forward or backward. It is spooky! But farting on command is not to be overlooked in the talent category as well, of course! ;-)