I never thought I would be emotional over such a small milestone. She still has another year of pre-school (have to love those October birthdays) and will have the same teacher. I am just amazed at how quickly the year went by and in my 31 years of experience, the years just go more and more quickly.
We recently ate corn on the cob with our dinner and I remember asking Nick, "When did we start using all of the cob holders?" I remember opening the ring of holders at a bridal shower, thinking, "Why do I need this many?" Suddenly, it is seven years later and we use them all.
I honestly feel like it was yesterday when I was working at a church, dreaming about the someday when Nick would propose and eventually we could have children of our own. It seemed so far away.
Now, here we are with two kids, one already done with a year of school.
How does this all happen so quickly? And does it ever slow down?
(The pictures are of her first and last day of school and of her class)
Ok, Tammy, you know I'm going to respond to this! I still vividly remember you getting on the bus for kindertgarten. You looked almost exactly like Abby, but with braids and your Grandma was there to film the whole thing and I cried, especially after you left and I was back in the house, because how could you be that old. And time goes faster the older you get, which is a good remimder that we shouldn't have our hearts resting in this world and how great it is that God is with us through it all!
Those legs got long over 9 months!
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