The Kids

The Kids

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Caleb Tidbits

While eating at Chick-Fil-A this past week (gotta love kids eat free on Tuesdays), Caleb suddenly popped under the table and I saw him put something in his mouth. When asked what he was eating, he replied, "Pepperoni." Since none of us had ordered anything with pepperoni on it (and I do not believe the chicken sandwich store makes anything with it, either) that was an interesting response. I looked under the table and there was a bunch of old pepperoni under it. Nice.

Abby had a playdate with her school friends this week. Nick took the opportunity for some male bonding with his son and they went out for breakfast. When they returned toward the end of the playdate, Caleb started playing with the girls. There was one in particular he gravitated toward. She has short hair in the shape of a haircut similar to his. At one point I heard him referring to her as a "him." When her mom came to pick her up, my lovely son said, "Where is he going?" I quickly pulled him aside and explained she is a girl and he said, "No mom-he's a boy!" Still praying the mother never heard any of his words.

Last night, as I was putting Caleb to bed, I told him I loved him and he replied, "I don't love you." As my heart broke in two, he laughed and I knew he was joking. Still, I asked him how he would feel if I said, "I don't like or love you, Caleb." He got real serious, said he would be sad and said, "But, I do like and love you, Mom!" When I asked him why he said he didn't, he said, "Oh, because I thought you were ice cream." Oookay.

And finally, Caleb is now wearing underwear during the day. Right after I cleaned the carpets. Enough said.

Oh, except for our apologies to the Kroger that he left a puddle in.

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